[Linkset] Authorization termination: OAuth reverse proxy

UPDATE Today was released Nginx Plus with a new nginx-openid-connect module.

If you are looking for Authentication Server or OAuth library then OpenID Conect implementations page is a good place to start. I chose Keycloak but also want to look on FreeIPA or https://ipsilon-project.org

Keycloak Security Proxy but I want proxy as Nginx module and I need to implement something non standard.
Also there is some an OpenID/Keycloak Proxy service https://github.com/gambol99/keycloak-proxy

For Apache web server everything is clear:

But I need something for Nginx .

lua-resty-openidc and it’s intro blog post written in Lua so its easier to extend (so I did for implementing of custom grant flow+ sessions + reference tokens).

https://github.com/tarachandverma/nginx-openidc written fully in C++ and this is interesting because you don’t need to enable Lua on Nginx (believe me, this can be harmful).

What is also interesting is tha module for only one purpose: to use reference tokens (opaque tokens)
https://github.com/curityio/nginx_phantom_token_module it’s written in C so no needs for additional deps.

Authentication Based on Subrequest Result

Actually Nginx already has something that can satisfy 80% of your needs:




But to use the sebrequest auth your auth server should support this or you need to setup another shim proxy:
and here is docker container which integrates it https://github.com/sinnerschrader/oauth-proxy-nginx

Or you can use this one which is written in Lua

Important article from Security researcher Egor Homakov who hacked several times GitHub and Facebook:

OAuth1, OAuth2, OAuth…?

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